St Kieran Catholic Primary School Fees

We aim to ensure that a Catholic Education in Western Australia remains an accessible and affordable choice. All School Fees and levies will reflect the financial capacity of the school’s community to contribute. The ongoing viability of the school depends on the financial support of parents and/or guardians. All parents and/or guardians, who can pay school fees, are expected to pay their fees in full each year.


Application for Enrolment Fee - $50 per child (non-refundable)

  • Due on return of the application

Acceptance of Enrolment Deposit - $150 per offer

  • Acceptance of enrolment is confirmed upon receipt of all request documents and when the full deposit has been paid.
  • Deposit is refunded to the tuition account in the year of enrolment. The deposit for students who do not commence at the school is non-refundable.
  • 3 Year Old and 4 Year Old Kindergarten enrolments require separate enrolment deposits.
  • An offer that includes multiple children in one family, all with the same start date, will be charged a single deposit fee.


Annual School Fees are announced to the community, at the Annual General Meeting of the previous year. The school community will be notified of any changes to school fees relating to: changes arising from Catholic Education Commission Western Australia directive, legislative changes, and community socio-economic considerations

A statement of full fees payable for the year (tuition statement) will be provided at the start of the school year or within three weeks of a student’s start date. These will be sent directly to the primary email address associated with the enrolment and it is the responsibility of the parent and/or guardians to notify the school if it is not received.

All terms and conditions of school fees are covered in our School Fee Processes and Procedures provided on application. By signing the application paperwork, the signatories are acknowledging the school fee collection procedures and accepting (jointly and severally)) liability for the enrolled student’s fees.

School Fee Processes and Procedures


3 Year Old Kindy - $76 per day = $2964 Annually for 1 full day

Full Fees

 4 YO Kindy


 Year 1

 Year 2

 Year 3

 Year 4

 Year 5

 Year 6

Tuition Fees (Per Student)









Contribution to Programs (Per Student)









Family Levies (Per Family)









Total Fees (1st Child)









Overseas Student (Additional Fee)









Health Care Card

 4 YO Kindy


 Year 1

 Year 2

 Year 3

 Year 4

 Year 5

 Year 6

Tuition Fees (Per Student)









Contribution to Programs (Per Student)









Family Levies (Per Family)









Total Fees (1st Child)









Please see 2025 School Fee schedule for the full break down of fees.


All annual fees are due by the fourth Friday of Term One unless a Payment Option Advice Form is returned to the school. The Payment Option Advice Form is sent with the tuition statement in first term and details the payment instalment options and amounts. These details are accurate up to the first due date stated. It is the responsibility of the parents and/or guardians to advise the school office, in writing, if a change in their situation affects their ability to pay the fees by the due date.

Fee payment options

  • Payments can be made:
    • In person using cash, EFTPOs or cheque,
    • Over the phone using a Credit Card,
    • Deducted from a Centrelink payment using Centrepay,
    • Internet transfer using BPAY, or
    • Direct Debit from a bank account or credit card.
    • CentrePay
  • Payment plans can be paid:
    • Fortnightly, monthly or by term as shown on the Payment Option Advice Form,
    • Weekly by request only,
    • All direct debit plans are subject to the terms and conditions as stated in our Direct Debit Request Agreement.

Direct Debit Request Service Agreement


Parents and/or guardians with limit capacity to pay can request a fee concession. All requests for fee concessions will be treated with dignity, fairness, and compassion. The principal may, from time to time, request financial information from parents to support applications for the school fee concession or any other concession.

Sibling Discount

  • Families with siblings enrolled, and currently attending, 4 Year Old Kindergarten to Year 6 at St Kieran Catholic Primary School are automatically entitled to a discount on the tuition component of the children’s school fees.
  • The discount is automatically deducted for each subsequent child from the tuition fee on the same tuition statement.
  • Current discounts are:
    • 2nd child enrolled = 20% discount
    • 3rd child enrolled = 40% discount
    • 4th and subsequent child(ren) enrolled = 100% discount
  • There is no sibling discount on 3 Year Old kindergarten enrolments

Concession Card Fee Discount

  • Parents and/or guardians with children in 4 Year Old Kindergarten to Year 6 with an eligible means tested Family Concession Card (health care card or pensioner concession card) have an automatic entitlement to a fee concession. The Card must be in the parent or guardians name and the child(ren) must be listed on the card to be eligible.
  • Concession Card discounts will be pro rata for newly issued or cancelled cards.
  • The current discount includes a discounted tuition fee and building levy, and the waiving of the amenities fee, IT Levy and Kieran Connect levy. See the 2025 School Fee Schedule for full details.
  • The Concession Card Fee Discount form must be completed when the concession card is first submitted and with the start of each subsequent child’s enrolment.

Concession Card Fee Discount

Special concessions and other discounts

  • School fee concessions consider the parents and/or guardians’ financial capacity to pay, the school’s financial position and the approved budget for a special fee concession.
  • A meeting will be required with the principal to discuss any option available, including possible discounts and a payment plan must be reached in this meeting. This should be in person, but phone calls can be requested if necessary.
  • During the meeting a School Fee Variation Form will be completed.
    • If the meeting is over the phone, an email will be sent within 7 days of the meeting confirming the discussion. If no objections are received within 7 days of the email, consent will be considered given and the form will be signed by proxy.

School Fee Variation Form